A great product- my dog has become very fussy since we sadly lost his sister a few months ago; he will only eat muscle meat so I was worred he’s not getting his nutrients. I thoigh he wouldn’t like the taste of this but he eats it all up no problem! I’ve also made dehydrated roo treats using this balancer and kangaroo mince, they turned out great so even treaties are nutritionally balanced now too.
Amanda was very responsive to my queries too.
Very happy 👏🏼
Fussy poodles ate their dinner up with the additive mixed in
That's excellent! Glad to hear it...thanks for sharing.
Have two dogs that have had skin and gut problems.vets suggested adding Bestie.Problems cleared up over after a month
That's great!!! Good to hear; thanks for that feedback.
I have tried many things to help relieve Paris's constant scratching but without major success. Thought I had nothing to lose by giving Bestie "Skin" a try and have to say am seeing positive results. After just a few weeks Paris is scratching much less...I'm hoping with continued use that Paris will eventually stop scratching altogether.
That's excellent! Glad to hear there's been improvment...
I have a rescue Kelpie that has had extreme anxiety , since starting bestie chews she is not only calmer and happier we have avoided prescription medication from the Vet, she is living her best Life.
That's excellent! I'm really glad to hear that it's helping… Those rescue dogs often have an extra tough.